The WeBL Glossary

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Region -- To create rivalries, break up the rankings, and add titles to fight for, WeBL boxers and managers are divided into regions.

Public Region -- Regions such as USA Northeast and Europe, where most gyms compete with one another.

Private Region -- A password protected region created by a WeBL player. See private regions for more info.

Ratings and Rankings

Contenders -- A special region for regional champions seeking the world title. A fighter becomes a contender after winning two regional titles, or winning a regional title and defending it once.

Ranking -- Fighters are ranked within each weight division and each region. Fighters with higher rating are ranked above fighters with lower rating. Fighters with the same rating are ranked based on status. Fighters with identical rating and identical status are ranked based on winning streaks and on win percentage.

Rating -- A new fighter has a rating of 0. Generally, a fighter gains a rating point when he wins a fight and loses a rating point when he loses a fight, except for the following:

Status -- The highest rating a fighter has ever attained. A fighter whose status is the same as his rating is at the top of his career. But a fighter with, say, rating of 2 and a status of 5 has seen better days.

A fighter gains an ability point whenever his status increases.

Win Streak -- When a fighter increases his status, one is added to his "winning streak". If a fighter already has a winning streak, he gains two status and rating points instead of just one. This also means that the fighter gains two ability points. His secondary training program is used to determine the second point.

A streak is reset to zero whenever a fighter loses or draws a bout, Also, if a reigning champion loses a title fight, his "win streak" is not set to 0 -- that usually leaves him in position to get a rematch if he can win his next bout.

Injury Points -- A fighter accumulates injury points based on the endurance damage he incurs in each fight. A fighter accumulates an additional 25 injury points whenever he loses by KO. Every time a fighter accumulates 500 injury points, he loses an ability point. This is a form of aging.

Note that a fighter can "absorb" 5 * Chin points of endurance damage in each fight without accumulating injury points. Every point of endurance damage after that is one injury point. The 25 injury points incurred for losing by KO is never absorbed.


Strength -- The fighter's ability to inflict damage on his opponent. A fighter with the twice the strength inflicts twice the damage.

Average strength for a new fighter is 10-11.

KO Punch -- The fighter's ability to land a knockout blow. Every point of KO Punch is treated like 3 points of Strength when the simulator determines if a fighter has been stunned, knocked down, or knocked out. Also, KO Punch is not subject to a fatigue, so a fighter with a high KO Punch is still "dangerous" when he's tired. However, KO Punch does not help a fighter tire his opponent in any way.

Average KO Punch for a new fighter is 0-2.

Speed -- The ability to land punches. This is the most important ability for scoring points and winning a round. It also helps inflict damage -- a fighter with twice the speed inflicts about 40% more damage.

Average speed for a new fighter is 10-11.

Agility -- The ability to avoid punches. This is the most important ability in avoiding damage -- a fighter with twice the agility will incur half the damage. Agility also helps win rounds, but not as much as speed.

Average agility for a new fighter is 10-11.

Conditioning -- Determines the number of endurance points a fighter has. A fighter with conditioning=9 has 90 endurance points, conditioning=10 has 100 endurance points, etc. Conditioning also affects how aggressive a fighter can be before suffering fatigue, and has some effect on making weight.

Average conditioning for a new fighter is 10-11.

Chin -- Controls how much stun damage a fighter can take in a round before being stunned, knocked down, or knocked out. Also determines how much endurance damage a fighter can take in a single bout before accumulating injury points.

Average chin for a new fighter is 9-10.

Cut Resistance -- May be high, low, or normal. A fighter with high cut resistance gets half as many cuts and swelling as a fighter with normal resistance. A fighter with low cut resistance is 50% more susceptible.

Training -- When a fighter trains an ability, he gains one point in that ability for his next fight. If the fighter's status increases, then he keeps that ability point permanently.

Intensive Training -- When a fighter intensively trains an ability, that ability may increase even if his status does not. However, if the ability increases and status does not, the fighter loses a point from some other ability so his total number of ability points remains unchanged. The reduced ability is chosen randomly. (It is possible for the intensively trained ability to be chosen randomly, in which case there is no change.)

Height and Weight

Height -- The fighter's height in inches. This affects his reach. In each fight, the taller fighter has half his height advantage (in inches) added to speed and half to agility.

Average height for a new fighter is 5'10".

Build -- This does not affect a fighter in any way, except when calculating his weight.

Fighting Weight -- A fighter's weight if he doesn't have to make weight. Weight is calculated from height, strength, agility, and build. Increasing agility actually decreases weight.

Minimum Weight -- The lowest weight a fighter can make without an endurance penalty. It is based on his fighting weight and on his conditioning -- a better conditioned fighter can lose weight a little more easily.

Weight Division -- Each bout is in a weight division, with a weight limit. Fighters always make weight, but there may be an endurance point penalty for losing too much weight.

Division Weight Limit
Strawweight 106 pounds
Junior Flyweight 109 pounds
Flyweight 112 pounds
Super Flyweight 115 pounds
Bantamweight 118 pounds
Super Bantamweight 122 pounds
Featherweight 126 pounds
Super Featherweight 130 pounds
Lightweight 135 pounds
Super Lightweight 141 pounds
Welterweight 147 pounds
Super Welterweight 153 pounds
Middleweight 160 pounds
Super Middleweight 167 pounds
Light-Heavyweight 175 pounds
Cruiserweight 200 pounds
Heavyweight no limit

Energy Points

Each round, a fighter has 20 energy points to divide between AGG, POW, DEF, and RST.

AGG -- Aggressivenes. Determines how many punches a fighter throws and is therefore most important factor in determing which fighter wins the round.

AGG also helps somewhat in inflicting damage on an opponent (but POW helps more).

However, using a high AGG leads to fatigue.

POW -- Power. The most important factor in determining how much damage is inflicted on an opponent. Doubling POW will double the amount of damage inflicted.

POW also determines what types of punches are thrown. When AGG>POW, a fighter is throwing mainly jabs, but when POW>AGG, a fighter is throwing a lot of power punches. Landing a power punch counts as two jabs towards winning a round, but a jab is easier to land.

Using a high POW can lead to fatigue, but not as quickly as using high AGG.

DEF -- Defense. Determines how well a fighter is protecting himself from damage. Doubling a fighter's DEF will halve the amount of damage inflicted on him.

RST -- Resting. Helps a fighter recover some of his lost endurance points. However, recovery is slow. DEF is usually a better use of energy against a strong or aggressive fighter.

Target Areas

In each round, a fighter can choose a "target area".

Head Punches -- The best way to stun an opponent, knock him down or to get a KO.

Body Blows -- The best way to tire an opponent.

Cut -- Go after a cut or swelling that has already been started. Not a good target unless you are trying to exploit an existing injury to the face.

Opportunistic (Best Shots) -- Take whatever is open. The best way to win a round. Also ok for tiring an opponent, stunning him, or getting a KO.

Fighting Styles

In each round, each fighter may choose any of a number of "fighting styles".

Straight Boxing -- Simple, straightforward, head-to-head boxing.

Use the Ring -- A defensive style for fighters with an agility advantage. Drawback: increases fatigue.

Use the Ropes -- An offensive style for fighters with an agility advantage. Drawback: reduces agility.

Outside -- A good style for fighters with a height advantage. Drawback: reduces POW.

Inside -- An offensive style for fighters with a strength advantage. Drawback: reduces agility.

Clinch -- A defensive/resting style for fighters with a strength advantage. Drawback: reduces AGG. A clinching fighter also risks having a point deducted if he uses a high DEF.

Counterpunch -- A style for fighters with a height + speed advantage. Drawback: reduces AGG. Counterpunching also backfires if used against an opponent with a higher height + speed.

Feint -- An offensive style for fighters with a speed advantage. Drawback: increases fatigue.

All-Out Punching -- A very risky style to force a KO or do massive damage by "walking through punches". This doubles the damage inflicted by a fighter, but quadruples the damage inflicted by his opponent.

Fighting Dirty

A fighter can also choose to cheat each round by throwing illegal blows and headbutts. This inflicts some extra damage on his opponent, but there is a risk that the fighter will be warned by the referee, have a point deducted, or even be disqualified and lose the bout.

Punch Types

Power Punches -- Some punches are power punches and count more than other punches when deciding who wins the round. A fighter with a high POW and low AGG throws many power punches.

Jabs -- Some punches are jabs and count less than other punches when deciding who wins the round. A fighter with a high AGG and low POW throws many jabs.

Endurance Points

Endurance Points -- A fighter starts each bout with a certain number of endurance points based on his conditioning. He loses endurance points during the bout due to endurance damage, fatigue and, to a lesser extent, cuts.

As a fighter loses endurance points, his strength, speed, and agility decrease. For example, when a fighter has lost 25% of his endurance points, his strength, speed, and agility are each reduced by 25%.

A fighter recovers endurance points between each round (15% of what he has lost). This recovery can be increased a little by resting (2% for each point of RST).

When a fighter has lost all of his endurance points, a TKO is declared and he loses the bout.

Endurance Damage -- Endurance points lost due to actions by an opponent.

Stun Damage -- This is compared to a fighters chin to determine if he is stunned, knocked down or knocked out.

Fatigue -- Endurance points lost due to aggression -- high AGG and POW, with AGG being more "expensive" than POW.

KOs, Knockdowns, etc.

Stun -- When a fighter takes too many points of stun damage in one round (determined by his Chin) he is stunned -- he automatically loses the round (possibly by 2 points), and the damage he inflicts is reduced by 25%.

Knockdown -- Similar to a stun, but worse -- the fighter automatically loses the round 10-8.

KO -- When a fighter takes too many points of stun damage in one round (determined by his Chin) he is knocked out and loses the fight immediately.

TKO -- When a fighter has lost all of his endurance points he loses by TKO. A TKO also occurs if a fighter is stunned or knocked down too many times in a single round, or if he is cut so badly that the doctor stops the fight.

Cuts/Swelling -- Each round, a fighter has a chance of incurring some kind of facial injury -- cuts, swelling, broken nose, etc. Facial injuries typically inflict a little extra endurance damage and may reduce the fighter's speed and agility (by interfering with his vision.)

If an injury is severe, a doctor will stop the fight and call a TKO. This can happen even when the injured fighter is ahead on points or beating his opponent severely.

The chance of a facial injury is based on the amount of damage inflicted, and on the target area. Head punches cause more facial injuries, and body blows cause fewer.


Random Number Seed -- The random number seed determines the "random" numbers used to generate a fight. If two fighters fight twice with the same random number seed, the results will be identical. Varying the seed gives different results.

When running practice fights, if you leave the random number seed set to 0, a new seed will be chosen for you for every fight.

A more detailed summary of the game is available on-line, and. complete documentation is also available, with a detailed description of how fights are simulated.