WeBL Acceptable Use Policy
Therefore any post that insults monitors for doing their job or is otherwise disrespectful is subject to deletion. If this continues, there will be an e-mail warning, after which the user's gym will be closed.
It is sometimes necessary for a MOD to close a thread on a discussion. If a Moderator posts that this thread is closed and you post after that you may also receive a 1 week gag.
Offensive fighter names, gym names, press releases, and forum postings
Fighter names, gym names, press releases, and forum postings should not include obscenities, ethnic or homophobic slurs, explicit sexual terminology, personal insults to other players, or reference to hate groups such as Nazis or the KKK, nor should they be used to advertise commercial services or multi-level-marketing schemes.
Offensive press releases or forum postings are censored by site monitors. If the monitors find it necessary to censor a user he will receive a 1 week gag. If the problem continues, posting privileges will be removed indefinitely. If the user cannot abide by restrictions on his posting privileges (i.e. he makes another gym just for posting), the gym will
be shut down. Note: Press releases are for role-playing, and should not be taken too seriously. Fighters are not expected to be nice to each other. However, Offensive language will not be allowed.:
Posting certain profane or bigoted terms can result in a one week gag with no warning. Egregious cases may result in a user losing posting privileges for longer periods or even having their gyms shut down with no warning. Examples of "egregious cases" would include posting pornographic pictures use of hate-speech directed at other players, or threatening other users with physical harm. Offensive fighter names are changed to Tomato Can #... This should be taken as a warning. If the policy is repeatedly ignored, the gym will be shut down. Offensive gym names are handled similarly.
Posting sexually harassing content, or using opposing gender sexual inference to demean another will be considered a gaggable offense. Repeated use of such language will result in a long-term gag.
This site allows for the use of HTML in the forums. Intentional or malicious use of HTML to disrupt service of this site is a suspendable offense. Creative use of HTML to create the illusion that a post is made by another player is a long-term gaggable offense.
When in doubt, a player should email a moderator and ask about a fighter name or post that they think may violate the AUP *before* posting it.
Please note that you may not use HTML in fighter names. To prevent this, all "<" marks are automatically deleted from fighter names. Gyms Used only for Posting
If a player creates a gym to hide his identity while making offensive postings or creating offensive fighters, I will try to identify his real gym(s) and In serious cases, I may block access to the site from his location, even if this affects other players.
Banning Users
Generally, when a gym is shut down the owner of the gym is allowed to make a new gym and continue playing. However, if a user has his gyms repeatedly closed, he may be "banned" and an effort may be made to keep that user off the site by blocking his access and shutting down new gyms he may create.
Some users do not manage any fighters but only use their gyms to communicate on the forums. If such a user loses posting privileges taken away, (s)he is considered "banned" as described above.
It is the Players responsibilty to keep their email address associated with their gym current. If the moderators send email and it cannot be delivered because the email account is invalid, the players gym will be suspended.
One public region gym per user
You are allowed 85 fighters per gym, so there is no reason for one user to run multiple gyms.
You are permitted to start a new gym if you first retire every fighter in your old gym.
Collusion between gyms (i.e. "fight fixing") is no different from running multiple gyms.
One gym is allowed per computer. If two or more family members wish to use the same computer, they should operate out of the same gym. This does not apply to private regions. You can make all the gyms you want, as long as they are in private regions.
Except in exceptional cases, such as multiple family members on one computer, we ask that people manage their own gyms. Multiple players "sharing a gym" is acceptable if those players do not also have other public gyms. This does not apply to private regions. You can have as many different managers in a gym as you want, as long as they are in private regions.
Players who appear to have multiple gyms are usually asked by e-mail or having their "gym name posted in the mod forum" to explain. If they do not respond, then all the gyms are closed.
Do not access other users' gyms without permission
It is acceptable to access another user's gym occasionally and with their permission. For example, a friend may not have Internet access one day and may ask you to change a fight plan or retire a fighter. It is not acceptable to steal a username and password as a "prank". This creates bug reports and e-mails to the webmaster.
Unauthorized access may result in immediately closure the perpetrator's gym.
Players are expected to build a gym in the geographical region in which they actually live. Once a player has built a gym in one region, if they build a new gym they are expected to stay in that same region.
Region-hopping, creating a new gym in a different region, and transferring fighters from your old gym to the new one, is not allowed. There is one exception to this rule: when it can be established that a player has actually moved their residence and wishes to change regional identities to their new area, moderators can change the regional identification of a gym.
"You are not allowed to change the region of your current gym, or create a new gym in the geographical region other than one where you live"
Fighter Transfers
In most cases fighters should be transferred to another gym by mutual consent. Sending unsolicited fighters to another gym is discouraged.
If you choose to trade fighters, you do so at your own risk.
Please note that fighters in the Elite and Professional Regions cannot be transferred.
Moderators' Forum
If you have sensitive questions about the AUP or questions about a specific player's behavior, you should email your moderator. For other questions about the AUP, you may use the Contact Webmaster or Talk To Us links. This will post your comment or question to a Moderator only forum. When a moderator responds, the message will be emailed to the address associated with your gym.
The WeBL Back Alley
Please be advised that this forum likely contains profane and insulting language. By entering this forum, you waive all legal rights to take action against the site owner or site staff for any damages you may incur, whether physical or mental, including those that result from defamatory comments.
Though the content herein is largely un-moderated, the following subjects are not tolerated:
As with the other WeBL forums, nude photos or links to sites containing pornography are prohibited.
Please be careful with your posts about other user's families, whether you know them personally or not. Also, it should be obvious that sexual comments about children are not allowed. We are not a site that wants to joke about pedophilia. Any violations of this or the above will result in loss of posting privileges.
Participants who fail to comply with the above restrictions may temporarily or permanently lose their privilege to post here or elsewhere on this website.
NOTE: If you have any questions about what you can and cannot post, please use the "Contact Us" Link.
Do not use bugs in the system to gain an unfair advantage.
On a couple of occasions, players have found bugs in the site that could be used to gain some kind of advantage (e.g., creating a fighter with more than 70APs). Ethical players report these bugs and they are corrected. Knowingly exploiting such a bug to gain an unfair advantage will result in closure of a gym.
Banner Ads
Finally, WeBL is supported entirely by advertising. I ask regular WeBL users to visit a sponsor's site a couple of times per week by clicking on one of the paid banner ads at the top of most pages. Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoy the game.